Western-style pendant light material collection (洋風ペンダントライト素材集) 洋風ペンダントライト素材集

Content ID:2095052

  • 22

It is a Western-style pendant light brush and image material. 洋風ペンダントライトのブラシと画像素材です。

The image material is produced at 1200 dpi and vector layer.
You can use it as it is for manga and illustrations.

For the brush, 7 types of lights are randomly placed.

You can also change the color.




brush ブラシ

image material 画像素材

Update history

※Updated at 2024/6/28 21:00 - The random brush was not random, so it has been corrected. Sorry about that. ・ As a bonus, we have added a string brush for the pendant light. I hope it will be useful for those who want to change the length of the string. If you have already purchased it, please download it again. ※2024/6/28 21時 更新

Content ID:2095052

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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