YYR Metal Scratch Texture

Content ID:2094934

  • 8,204

comic, webtoon, background, fear, afraid, shock, confuse, vomit, aura, scary, scared, threat, stress, mystery, nervous, stun, pressure, action, sad, gloom, vintage, old, mood, atmosphere
만화, 웹툰, 배경, 무서움, 두려워하다, 충격, 혼동하다, 토하다, 기운, 무서운, 무서워, 위협, 스트레스, 신비, 신경질적인, 기절, 압박감, 동작, 슬퍼, 우울함, 빈티지, 낡은, 기분, 분위기

It's a set of metal scratch texture image materials you can use for:
- Webtoon background
- Full color comic background
- Black and white comic background
- Manga, manhwa, manhua, western comic background
- Illustration background

A total of 3 image materials.

Important notes:
* Play with blending modes.
* Play with gradient tool and gradient map.
* Play with airbrush and eraser.
* Combine with another texture and brushes.

Twitter @yahyeruassets
Cara @yahyeru

Presentation Images:

YYR Metal Scratch Texture

Content ID:2094934

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 1 day ago

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I make 3D & 2D assets to help you create faster. Let's support each other. Thank you. :) Twitter: @yahyeruassets