Watercolor Japanese Style Brush Set (水彩和風ブラシセット) 水彩和風ブラシセット

Content ID:2092741

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It is a set of 10 types of brushes that can draw Japanese patterns with watercolor finish. 水彩塗り仕上げの和柄が描けるブラシ10種類のセットです

It is a set of 10 types of brushes in color that can draw a Japanese-style pattern with a watercolor finish.

It is convenient when you want to add a little color to a light Japanese-style pattern.

You can use it as a background or as a pattern for clothing accessories, decoration of decorative borders, etc.

There are brushes that can be drawn with connected patterns and brushes that are easy to draw so that they are scattered (only for peach lotus and flower deer cubs).

Since it is a light color, it is recommended to add a border with a border effect.

When using it in monochrome, you can use a tone effect or use it as a silhouette with a black or white fill.

If you don't mind it as one of the brush patterns with a colored Japanese pattern, please ^^

Use Case 1

Use Case 2










Japanese pattern 和柄

Content ID:2092741

Published : 17 days ago

Last updated : 17 days ago

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こんにちは(^^ ゆるめの素材をぼちぼちと。楽しく使っていただけたら幸いです(^^いいねやGIFTも嬉しいです!フォローも光栄です!ありがとうございます~!!

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