Version 2 Cloth (バージョン2 布) バージョン2 布

Content ID:2089452

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A cloth that can be used underneath, please use it as much as Atari

I created wrinkled sheets that can be used in various situations.
You can move various places, but if you move it too much, it will bug, so please adjust the position.


Cloth 1 The middle is dented, it may be nice to lay it down like the image

Cloth 2 It seems to be able to be grasped in various places

Cloth 3 Cloth with few wrinkles in the middle and more eye edges

Cloth 4 Overall wrinkles Large movements are not recommended.


布1 真ん中がへこんでます、画像のように寝かせたりしたらいい感じになるかも

布2 色んな所掴んでる風にできそう

布3 真ん中シワ少な目端っこ多めの布

布4 全体的にシワ多め 大きな可動はお勧めしません。


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2089452

Published : 3 months ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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