Overseas Traffic Light Set (海外の信号機セット) 海外の信号機セット

Content ID:2088437

  • 229
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Overseas (American style?) There are 4 sets of 3D traffic lights. I feel that just putting a pom-pom on it makes it look relatively overseas.
There are a lot of Japanese-style assets, but there are almost no assets for overseas, so I made them.
I wanted to include left-hand traffic such as the UK, but I couldn't because 3D was limited to 5 in the material collection.
Maybe I'll make it again.

※P.S. Thank you for the ranking!

※追記 ランキング入り感謝です!

Traffic Lights 信号機

Content ID:2088437

Published : 10 months ago

Last updated : 9 months ago

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はじめまして。サークル Phillly's Orgel の Philly です。 私は基本的に商業メインで成人男性向け漫画を描いており、 現在はX-EROSで執筆させていただいております。 お見かけしましたらよろしくお願いします。