Seamless Beaded Tassel Tools (FIXED)

Content ID:2088275

  • Free
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Whoops, I borked up my upload of the brush previously, so I’ve reuploaded both the brush and line versions which will be forever free! The set has a seamless tile :)

There’s a higher level of detail, so you can use it for foreground or background! I had 5 panels with this needing to be in both foreground and background, at varying sizes, so I decided to make this set instead of redrawing or resizing constantly. It helped so much in avoiding muddiness!

The brush looks great above 100, but can handle below well. Because of the detail, I recommend not going below 30 too much. Perhaps I’ll need to add a simplified small size friendly version in the future ;)

The brush has pressure sensitivity with size, so you can automatically add perspective. It can also handle concave and convex curves without folding in on itself.
The line tool is perfect for curtains, and handles smaller sizes a bit better due to the stabilization. 

Category 1

Update history

27/05/24 - published the wrong asset yesterday, so if you downloaded the original solo brush, please update with this one so you can get the correct item, thank you!

Content ID:2088275

Published : 29 days ago

Last updated : 29 days ago

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Snail loving artist <3 I upload any good materials I make to help out the Clip community like they’ve helped me! <3