Fluffy Fur Brush Set

Content ID:2088129

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

These brushes are made it imitate very fluffy fur, like what you'd find on cats, or other soft creatures. There are three brushes in this set, The first is just the lineart of the fur, the second contains a background to ensure layering, and the final brush is set up so that it can be used in a painterly fashion or to otherwise create soft lineless fur.

All three brushes allow you to use whichever colors that you choose. The line brush only uses your foreground color, but it doesn't layer well. The second brush uses both the foreground and background, so you can layer it over sketches as well as itself for a natural look. The painterly brush is intended for areas that don't require line work, therefor it is softer and blends with itself.

Category 1

Content ID:2088129

Published : 30 days ago

Last updated : 30 days ago

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