Rough floor plan (ざっくり間取り図取り) ざっくり間取り図取り

Content ID:2086682

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This is a image material to check the size of the tatami mat and roughly decide the floor plan.
I want it to be about this size, but I don't know how big it is when the furniture is arranged. It is for those who say. In other words, something I made for myself.

Prices are subject to change without notice.


Created in monochrome 600 dpi. It might be a little smaller.
It is a guy who takes something like a rough floor plan like this. I use it by deciding the shape and arranging the tatami mats, or by arranging the fixed ones and connecting them.

(Don't worry about the window notation.) I'm doing it once I understand.)
I think that one or half tatami mat can be made into a corridor if it is connected.



Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2086682

Published : 9 months ago

Last updated : 9 months ago

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色んなことに手を出しては、渋滞を起こしてる黒猫ぬいぐるみです。 なお現在手を出してるのは二次創作と一次創作漫画とゲームの作成。両立している訳では無い。