Gazebo Type 4

Content ID:2080591

  • 1,001
  • 100 GOLD
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Hello, this is Eltra.

This project is a gazebo on the edge of a lake, surrounded by rock formation and plants.

There is a bridge that connects the road separated by a small river, and there are small lamp posts placed along the road.

This gazebo is the last of the 4 types.

There is an option to use gazebo, bridge, and the lamp post without the background.


  • Color
  • Basic


  • Basic
  • Gazebo
  • Bridge
  • Lamp


  • Basic

Content ID:2080591

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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こんにちは、EllisEltraです。プロジェクトの背景作成に役立つ 3D 素材を作成しています。3D 素材の作成に使用するテーマは、ファンタジーとモダンです。すべての素材は Blender を使用して作成されています。ご協力をお願いいたします。