Rough brush set (ざざっとブラシセット) ざざっとブラシセット

Content ID:2079661

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It is a set of 3 types of brushes: soft pencil and rough G-pen &mapping pen. 柔らかえんぴつとざざっとGペン&丸ペンの3種類のブラシのセットです

It is a set of 3 types of materials, including a pencil brush that can draw soft and dark eyes, and a G-pen and mapping pen brush that can draw with a slightly coarse finish.

Soft pencils are useful for drafts, color main lines, etc.

It is recommended when you want to draw a rough G-pen and a rough mapping pen finish that is not too delicate.

I made it for myself, but if you can try it and use it, please ^^

Use Case 1

Use Case 2







Pen ペン

Content ID:2079661

Published : 13 days ago

Last updated : 13 days ago

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こんにちは(^^ ゆるめの素材をぼちぼちと。楽しく使っていただけたら幸いです(^^いいねやGIFTも嬉しいです!フォローも光栄です!ありがとうございます~!!