Hatching Texture Brushes (+Curve Hatch!)

Content ID:2075389

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

Hatching made fast with a set of:
- 7 Hatch Texture Brushes
- 2 "Tone Scraping“ Tools (adjust linewidth)
- 19 Direct Hatch Brushes / Snakes / Sprays
- 5 Vertical Hatching Brushes
- A hopefully useful tip about conveniently hatching with fill tools
- NEW!!! 3 Curve Hatch Brushes
(Updated: 07.04.24)

What’s in this catalog?
New brushes: Vertical Hatch (06.04.24) and Curve Hatch (07.04.24)
Tadaaa, these! ⤵

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This is Hatching Texture Brush 1 in action:

(Anti overflow is on, but you can adjust it or turn it off if you don’t like it ^^)

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The following explanations are about how to use the Hatch Texture Brushes:

I noticed that multiply and subtract actually did the same thing in this case, so you can leave it on multiply for erasing / negative color mode (used for background) not like i did in the gif XD…

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The following explanations are about how to hatch super fast using fill tools:

You can use fill tools (lasso, bucket or whatever) with the textures of all the Hatch Texture Brushes and Vertical Hatch Brushes!

  • Just drag the texture on a layer and add a blacked out mask (You can find the name of the textures in the advanced tool properties under „Texture“.)
  • Then draw on the mask to add the texture back ^^

Coolest thing is that you can still adjust the size and angle of the hatches after drawing them like this, since the texture layer is still intact!

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The following explanations are about how to use the „Tone Scraping“ Tools (adjust linewidth):

You can use these on both the Hatch Texture Brushes and the Direct Hatch Brushes. They either thicken or narrow the hatches.
The Ink one has a visible border but thickens or narrows evenly, the Sand one is smoother but you can see the sand texture the more you scrape or add.

The pictures below show the general effect of the standard CSP adjust linewith tool, so you can see clearly what it does. (Color: black is painted on white, color: negative is erased from a black layer.)

For Backgrounds:

Drag a texture onto the canvas or paint it in with one of the brushes (the bigger the area the longer that takes so you might be faster to just drag it in).

If you dragged it in, convert the layer into a raster layer.

Now you can thicken and narrow the lines of the texture however you want!
(Don’t overdo it, the lines can get a bit wonky the more you change them…)

(To change colors you can either set a layer color (1) or change the layer expression to color and lock transparency so you can paint over it (2) ^^)



(Texture in the example: Wonky Hatch Texture 4, changed with "Tone Scraping" Ink (adjust line width)).

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I won’t explain the Direct Hatch Brushes in detail as there are so many…
Just experiment with brush size, particle size, particle density, spray deviation, brushtip angle, particle angle and what ever else you find ^^
There’s tons of options!

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  • You can change the size and angle / rotation of the hatching texture in the tool property panel.
  • Anti overflow is turned on, you can turn it off if it’s messing with what you want to do.
  • Some of the brushes have slightly transparent parts, if you don’t like this, set the layer to monochrome.

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    I came to like those very much in the short time I did the sketch above ^^

    The weird hatches happen when you draw tiny circles smaller then the brushtip… I think it can look kinda cool. You could use this for water ripples! -> draw circles first, then perspective transform the layer...

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    Alright, that’s everything ^^ (I know, it’s a lot…)
    Have fun!

    Hatch Texture Brushes

    Tone Scraping Tools (adjust line width)

    Direct Hatch Brushes / Snakes / Sprays

    Vertical Hatch Brushes

    Curve Hatch Brushes

    Old version

    Content ID:2075389

    Published : 9 months ago

    Last updated : 9 months ago

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