Intense Text Background (+ Bonus) (激圧文字背景(+おまけ)) 激圧文字背景(+おまけ)

Content ID:2074874

  • 422

This collection of materials includes
  • 27 types of handwritten seamless backgrounds that feel various "pressure"
  • 5 types of easy-to-handle simple patterns (extras)
A total of 32 kinds of image material are included!

Since it is intended to be used as a manga background, it is black and white (partially transparent), so if you want to use it in color, please color 🤗 it with "layer color function" or "rasterize→ transparency protection and coloring (fill)" after placing the canvas.

▲Examples of use

It's basically a gag scene, but some can be used for horror... I would be happy if you could use it in various ways!

If you like similar materials (brushes) made in the past, you can →ID:2068952
  • 色んな「圧」を感じる手書きシームレス背景 27種
  • 扱いやすいシンプルパターン(おまけ) 5種





Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

4/14...I re-set it because it contained materials that cannot be used in DEBUT! We will extend the price reduction period by an additional 48h to apologize for the private period, so thank you! (30cp until 4/16) 4/19...The theme material "sound effect" was chosen! Thank you! Limited time + apology + real I was busy and the price was still in a reduced state, but I'm happy, so I will 💰 leave the CP unchanged as it is 4/14...DEBUTで使用できない素材が含まれていたとのことで再設定しました!非公開期間のお詫びに値下げ期間を追加で48h延長しますのでよろしくおねがいします!(4/16まで30cp)


Content ID:2074874

Published : 4 months ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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