2-person pose_BL 08 (2人ポーズ_BL 08) 2人ポーズ_BL 08

Content ID:2072285

  • 3,084

Pose of two male bodies

180cm and 170cm
It is a pose with a height difference of 10 cm.

【Material Details】

●1… (a) Pose-only material
●2… (b) Pose-only material

(Added on February 23, 2025)
* At a later date, the material in the state of combining two people
We plan to add and update.


【How to use】

Change the height of the two poses,
With the following arrangement
Poses combine.

Allocate *For copy and paste
【 A pose 】
X: -28.1
Y: -15.6
Z: -36.8

●whole rotation (Whole rotation)
X: 107.4
Y: -10.4
Z: 173.6

【 B pose 】
X: -19.0
Y: 37.4
Z: -91.5

●whole rotation (Whole rotation)
X: 87.0
Y: 1.6
Z: -5.6


* Even if you do not enter the placement number
You can also manually move the doll to align it.
Combine them in a way that is easy to do.

* If you change the body shape, the position of the hands and feet will shift.
At that time, adjust the pose according to the image.









配置(Allocate)  ※コピペ用
【 a ポーズ】
X: -28.1
Y: -15.6
Z: -36.8

●全体回転(Whole rotation)
X: 107.4
Y: -10.4
Z: 173.6

【 b ポーズ】
X: -19.0
Y: 37.4
Z: -91.5

●全体回転(Whole rotation)
X: 87.0
Y: 1.6
Z: -5.6




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

2024.03.12 Added a material that combines two poses. 2024.03.13 It seems that it would be a violation of the rules if the pose material is not registered and distributed one by one, so the material that combines the two bodies has been deleted. (Details: Since the pose material that combines two figures is registered as a image material, publishing it as a material is a secondary distribution of drawing dolls and violates the rules.) Therefore, it seemed that it was not possible to distribute two or more poses as one material at present. ) ➔ It seems that it is now possible to list two bodies in combination due to the change in the terms and conditions  We will update at a later date. 2024.03.12 2体のポーズが組み合わさった素材を追加しました。

2024.03.13 ポーズ素材は単体ずつポーズ登録し配布しないと規約違反になるようなので、2体組み合わさった素材は削除しました。



Old version

Content ID:2072285

Published : 11 months ago

Last updated : 16 hours ago

うえちゃ(uecha)'s profile Go to profile

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