[Free for a limited time] Hugging Pose 3 ([期間限定無料]抱きつくポーズ3) [期間限定無料]抱きつくポーズ3

Content ID:2155601

  • 2,147
  • Free
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.12.0. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

* With combined pose material

( You can put out two bodies at the same time with one drug )

Pose of two male bodies.
It is a pose with a hug on the back.

Free for a limited time
The price will be increased at a later date.

【Material Details】

●1… A material that combines two poses <NEW✨

●2… (a) Pose-only material

●3… (b) Pose-only material



If you can't use a material that combines two poses,
(a) Manually combine the poses in (b).

change your height,
With the following arrangement
Poses combine.

* Even if you do not enter the placement number
You can also manually move the doll to align it.
Combine them in a way that is easy to do.

* If you change the body shape, the position of the hands and feet will shift.
At that time, adjust the pose according to the image.


( 1ドラッグで2体同時に出せます )




●1…2体のポーズが組み合わさった素材 <NEW✨









Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

2025.3 Added a material that combines two poses. 2025.3 2体のポーズが組み合わさった素材を追加しました。

Old version

Content ID:2155601

Published : 8 hours ago

Last updated : 8 hours ago

うえちゃ(uecha)'s profile Go to profile

イラストや漫画の製作をしています。 使えそうな素材などがあったら公開していきたいです。DL、ギフトなどありがとうございます。活動の励みにさせていただきます。 ※素材の価格は後日変更する場合がありますのでご了承くださいませ。 すでにダウンロード済みのものはそのままお使いいただけます。

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