◇Classic PEN◆ (◇クラシックpen◆) ◇クラシックpen◆

Content ID:2064140

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A classic lineart pen with a discreetly rough feel and an analog touch.
I made it so that even with a weak pen pressure, thin lines and strong and weak lines can be drawn.
(1) Pen for monochrome manuscripts with thick ink
(2) Set of 2 pens for color illustrations that can draw slightly soft lines

* The basic settings such as pen pressure are the same for both lines.
* Both can be used in illustrations and monochrome manuscripts. For monochrome documents, it is recommended to use [Monochrome] as the expression color of the layer. (Lines may be slightly blurred on layers with gray/color expressions.) )

◆You can customize the roughness of the pen◆

If you adjust the values of [tool property]→ [Click the button next to brush size]→ [Random], the roughness of the pen will change.

◆Information on paid material collection◆
・Set of 70 rough mesh tones
27.5L to 85L various frequencies and concentrations with brushes

・ Easy-to-adjust analog speech bubble material collection

Purchases other than CLIPPY are available from BOOTH.
I would appreciate it if you could feel free to take a peek
②少しやわらかい線が引けるカラーイラスト向けペン 2本セット




 27.5L〜85Lの線数・濃度各種 ブラシ付き



Brush ブラシ

Content ID:2064140

Published : 5 months ago

Last updated : 5 months ago

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