A tree brush I made to make backgrounds a little easier
(I hate drawing trees over and over.)
This brush will be free for 48 hours.
Here's how I used this brush in 5 minutes!
1: On one layer, I use this brush at a smaller scale for the back most trees
2: On another layer I use the brush a little bigger for the middle trees (Only doing three lines of trees for the sake of this explanation)
3: Another layer, slighter bigger trees,
4: I then go ahead and detail those trees, making the furthest back trees the darkest as well as add some shadows and some light,
5: Then the grass, some details and some lighting! (Be sure to go in with a grass brush to blend the trees into the ground.
This is a rough example on how this brush saves me so much time! (I drew this in about 5 minutes!)
Hope this helps!