Flower Garland Brush (フラワーガーランドブラシ) フラワーガーランドブラシ

Content ID:2056077

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It is a brush that can draw a garland of rose-style flowers and ivy plants.
It has a anti-aliasing. If you want to use it for binary manuscripts, please draw it on a monochrome layer.
Foreground color propagation. (main color/sub color)

There is also a collection of materials that includes types where ivy and flowers are separated, and types that have been colored, so please feel free to do so.
Flower Garland Brush Material Collection
Content ID:2062728
* This brush has the same settings as the "〇Ivy Flower 1 FG Brush" in the material collection.

※このブラシは素材集収録の中の「〇蔦花1 FGブラシ」と同じ設定のものです。

Content ID:2056077

Published : 8 months ago

Last updated : 7 months ago

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