Cafe Drink 3D (カフェドリンク 3D) カフェドリンク 3D

Content ID:2051880

  • 241
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a café drink 3D Object.
Please use it as a companion during breaks from work or when you go out.

Vertex count: 68,082
Prices are subject to change without notice.

頂点数: 68,082

It is a 3D Object of drinks that can be bought at coffee shops and fast food restaurants.
In addition to cups of hot coffee, there are layouts for soft drinks and dessert drinks.

There are 4 types of materials, and you can enjoy a variety of flavors.
The color of the toppings is also different for each.

The texture of [Cup (sweets)] is displayed slightly darker.
If you also feel uncomfortable with the shadows, you may be able to alleviate them a little by displaying [Parallel Light 2] and adjusting it.

This material is also available at BOOTH. Please feel free to use it.

Have a good café drink life!




本素材は BOOTH でも取り扱い中です。ぜひご利用ください。


Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル
  • Plain/plain プレーン/plain
  • 白/white 白/white
  • Pink/pink ピンク/pink
  • Green/green 緑/green

Place 配置

  • default layout (hot) 初期レイアウト(ホット)
  • Sweets (Dome) スイーツ(ドーム)
  • Sweets (Dome) lid OFF スイーツ(ドーム)ふたOFF
  • Sweets (flat) スイーツ(フラット)

Angle アングル

  • Front Front
  • Top Top

Update history

2023/12/13 ... Added and adjusted materials. 2023/12/13 … マテリアルを追加・調整しました。

Old version

Content ID:2051880

Published : 9 months ago

Last updated : 9 months ago

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