Exile _G Penn (망명_G펜) 망명_G펜

Content ID:2032905

  • 2,981

Pressure-controlled G Pen 필압 조절된 G펜

*Based on 350dpi

I had a hard time finding a G-pen that would fit my hand pressure, so I made it a wild one...

Personally, I felt a little uncomfortable when writing (because of the line tail)
When drawing, it's okay to draw with a little less effort in your hands.
If it fits your hand, please write :)

(*Switched to paid as of 2024.05.25)

*350dpi 기준

손 필압에 맞는 G펜을 찾기가 힘들어서 야매로 만들었어요...

개인적으로 글씨 쓸 때는 좀 불편하다고 느꼈지만 (선꼬리 때문에)
그림 그릴 때는 손에 힘을 좀 덜 주고 그려도 괜찮은 편이니
손에 맞으시면 써주세요:)

(*2024.05.25 기준 유료로 전환 했습니다)

Content ID:2032905

Published : 11 months ago

Last updated : 3 months ago

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