Sparkling pen without a lot (별 거 없는 반짝이펜) 별 거 없는 반짝이펜

Content ID:1944942

  • 867

(Example of use↑)

It comes in sizes according to the shiny pressure. (It is recommended to take a cockcock with a mouse)
If the glitter is awkward, release it with blur~

※How to change color※


반짝이는 필압에 따른 크기로 나옵니다. (마우스로 콕콕 찍는 것을 추천)
반짝이가 어색하면 블러로 풀어주세요~

※색 바꾸는 법※

Content ID:1944942

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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