CT Inky Pen 1&2 (CT Inky Pen 1&2) CT Inky Pen 1&2

Content ID:2029444

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차후 유료화 예정 / Free for limited time

잉크 느낌이 강하고, 필압의 강약에 따라 브러시 크기 차이가 큰 선화용 펜 브러시입니다.
It is a pen brush for line drawings with an ink feel and a large difference in brush size depending on the strength of the pen pressure.
These are pen brushes for lineart, and the size of the brush greatly depends on the pen pressure.
차후 유료화 예정 / 期間限定無料 / Free for limited time

잉크 느낌이 강하고, 필압의 강약에 따라 브러시 크기 차이가 큰 선화용 펜 브러시입니다.
These are pen brushes for lineart, and the size of the brush greatly depends on the pen pressure.

(한국어) CT Inky Pen 1은 타블렛과 클립스튜디오 모두 기본 필압 설정에, CT Inky Pen 2는 아래의 필압 설정에 최적화되어 있습니다.
(Japanese) CT Inky Pen 1 is optimized for default settings of pen pressure for both tablet and CSP, and CT Inky Pen 2 is optimized for settings of pen pressure as shown in the image below.
(English) CT Inky Pen 1 is optimized for the basic pen pressure settings for both tablet and CLIP STUDIO, and CT Inky Pen 2 is optimized for the following pen pressure settings.

(한국어) CT Inky Pen 1은 타블렛과 클립스튜디오 모두 기본 필압 설정에, CT Inky Pen 2는 아래의 필압 설정에 최적화되어 있습니다.
(日本語) CT Inky Pen 1はタブレットとCSP共にデフォルト筆圧設定に、CT Inky Pen 2は下のイメージ通りの筆圧設定に最適化されてます。
(English) CT Inky Pen 1 is optimized for the basic pen pressure settings for both tablet and CLIP STUDIO, and CT Inky Pen 2 is optimized for the following pen pressure settings.

Category 1 카테고리 1

Content ID:2029444

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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