Adjust the tone later auto action (あとからトーンを調節するオートアクション) あとからトーンを調節するオートアクション

Content ID:2027472

  • 472
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a auto action for adjusting the density and number of lines of the tone layer later. It is effective when used in quick access.
There are "for tone layers" and "for layer opacity".
It is an action that extracts only the settings that will be used often, so if it is missing, feel free to modify it so that it is easy to use.

The density action only affects "Tone Layer" and "toning Layer Manipulated with Layer opacity".
toning layers from fill gray do not display the correct density. (Actions other than density are also available on Gresquet's toning layer.) )

There is no tone create new function.
Please create new tone at any time, or create a tone layer with someone else's auto action before using.

【Angle】0・45・90・135 degrees
【Type】Circle, Line, Noise, Cross, White
(Since the white tone is changed layer color, the number of lines and density can be adjusted even after the change.) Turn off the layer color when returning it. )
■How to set up Quick Access

Create a new image of "200×200" →save import image→ icon

The size of the table of contents images such as "▼tone density" and "▼number of tone lines" is "500×100".

Drag and drop the action you want to use from the auto action → set the saved icon image

It's a hassle! If so, please click here for a batch DL of images ▼










auto action オートアクション

Icon image アイコン画像

Content ID:2027472

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

おりしま美城's profile Go to profile
