Men's oxford shoes 28types (남성 옥스퍼드 구두 men’s oxford shoes 28types) 남성 옥스퍼드 구두 men’s oxford shoes 28types

Content ID:2027381

  • 1,271

As a thank you to everyone who has been interested, we will provide you with 15 additional  perks. We've updated the contrast version of the variation that's good for webtoon. In addition, an Oxford shoe version with a different design and two colours has been added:)
+4 added
Thank you for all your attention! We offer more 15 kinds of shoes. (24 types in total) It provides no light and shade version of the variation that is good to use in webtoons. And the Oxford shoes version, which use two colors in a different design, has also been added. :)
+4types are added (total 28types)

Next, I'm going to post women's shoes as well. Thank you for your interest.
Follow us and you'll get the fastest discounted price. :)

It is 24 kinds of men's shoe materials made for use.  
It is the Oxford shoe of the most used composition.

You can use it by taking it directly as an image and pasting it.
You can resize and place them.

A version that is colored to be used in webtoons
A version without contrast, a version with only lineart is provided.

Change the color to your liking, color it and use it!
(The non-contrast version is provided with only basic black.)
(Discount only for a moment!)

It's a men's shoes material. 
These are Oxford shoes of 
the most commonly used composition.
You can use it by immediately attaching to the painting.

The colored version that's easy to use in webtoon working,
The version without light and shade, and the version with only lines.
(The version without light and shade is provided only black version)
Change the color and use it as you want!

관심가져주신 모든 분들께 감사하는 마음을 담아 특전 15종을추가로  제공합니다. 웹툰에 사용하기 좋은 명암없는 버전의 베리에이션을 업데이트 했습니다. 그리고 다른 디자인으로 두가지 컬러가 사용되는 옥스퍼드 구두버전도 추가되었습니다 :)
+4종 추가
Thank you for all your attention! We offer more 15 kinds of shoes. (24 types in total) It provides no light and shade version of the variation that is good to use in webtoons. And the Oxford shoes version, which use two colors in a different design, has also been added. :)
+4types are added (total 28types)

다음은 여성 구두도 올릴 예정입니다. 많은 관심부탁드립니다.
팔로우해주시면 가장 빨리 할인된 가격으로 만나실 수 있습니다. :)

사용하기 위해서 만든 남자 구두 소재 24종 입니다. 
가장 많이 사용되는 구도의 옥스퍼드 구두입니다.

화상이미지로 바로 가져다 붙이면 사용할 수 있습니다.
크기를 조절해서 배치할 수 있습니다.

웹툰에 사용하기 좋게 채색이 되어있는 버전과
명암이 없는 버전, 선화만 있는 버전이 제공됩니다.

원하는대로 색을 바꾸고 채색해서 사용해보세요!
(명암이 없는 버전은 기본 검정만 제공됩니다.)
(한정시간 할인, discount only for a moment!)

It's a men's shoes material. 
These are Oxford shoes of 
the most commonly used composition.
You can use it by immediately attaching to the painting.

The colored version that's easy to use in webtoon working,
The version without light and shade, and the version with only lines.
(The version without light and shade is provided only black version)
Change the color and use it as you want!

Category 1 카테고리 1

Update history

15 additional shoes (Add 15 kinds of shoes) 3 additional shoes (Add 3 types shoes)-2023.08.28 신발 15종 추가
(Add 15 kinds of shoes)
신발 3종 추가
(Add 3 types shoes)-2023.08.28

Old version

Content ID:2027381

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 4 months ago

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텀블벅 로판 엑스트라 펀딩중입니다💜 펀딩 링크는 맨 오른쪽 아래 아이콘을 눌러주세요! (트위터 아이콘 옆) ✉️