Added settings.
The input processing can change the pen and the color.
Applies to dual brushes and RGB values, and changes with a combination of ribbon, scatter sub color and so on. (2-Brush side synthetic comparison (Ming) may be a good idea)
デュアルブラシやRGB値に適用、リボン、散布 サブカラーを選択等の組み合わせで変わります。(2-ブラシ側合成比較(明)にするのもいいかもしれません)

Category 1 カテゴリ1
Bi-Lenzion 1 and 2-W 二色レンヂヲン1と2-W
Bi-Lenzion 12-10W 二色レンヂヲン12-10W
Bi-Lenzion 12-20W 二色レンヂヲン12-20W
Bi-Lenzion 03-W 二色レンヂヲン03-W
Bi-Lenzion 04-W 二色レンヂヲン04-W
Bi-Lenzion 05-W 二色レンヂヲン05-W
Lenzion 06-W レンヂヲン06-W
Lenzion 07 Kai-W レンヂヲン07改-W
Lenzion 07 and a half-W レンヂヲン07半-W
Neorenzion 07 ネオレンヂヲン07
HT Neorenzion 07 HTネオレンヂヲン07
Bi-Lenzion Bundle needles-W 二色レンヂヲン束針-W
Category 2 カテゴリ2
Old version