It is the fourth bullet pose set of the camera boy.
The use model is the 3D drawing figure-ver. 2 (male) default setting.
I made it according to the CLIP STUDIO official material ' digital SLR camera '.
There is also a weird pose.
Please make use of them by all means because I think that I can produce various situations!
* Some poses are made by removing the joint angle limit check to make a more natural pose. Please keep in mind that you will be adjusting your poses.
Category 1 カテゴリ1
_01 to take a seat (upright) 座って撮る_01 (縦構え)
_02 to sit and take 座って撮る_02
_03 to sit and take 座って撮る_03
_02 (vertical elevation) しゃがんで撮る_02 (仰角)(縦構え)
Camera Warrior _02 (ERR) カメラ戦士_02 (臨戦体勢)
Camera Warrior _01 (upright) カメラ戦士_01 (縦構え)
Lie down and take a picture (elevation) 横になって撮る (仰角)
_06 shooting at kneeling 膝立ちで撮る_06