Hair Tip-Wound brush (~ 6/1) (毛先巻きブラシ(~6/1)) 毛先巻きブラシ(~6/1)

Content ID:2004686

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  • 30 CLIPPY

Length of semi-long ~ Bob position is easy to draw brush. It is a twirl of the tip of the hair. セミロング~ボブ位の長さが描きやすいブラシ。毛先のクルクル強めです。

Color correspondence
Number of brushes total 5 points
All are made in B5 Greske 600dpi.

Compared to the hair material that we are raising
The length of the whole hair is shorter.
* Gentle curve (almost straight) except for the hair tip
* The winding of the tip of the hair is strengthened

The first sample is a brush improvement, so I drew before the overall, but the latest shape will be the icon and sample 2, the third sheet.

Because I love long hair and hair, I will mashike it leisurely.
Thank you you are smiling at the time you see a work using the brush that I posted!

ブラシ数 計5点 

* 髪全体の長さは短め
* 毛先以外は緩やかな曲線(ほぼストレート)
* 毛先のクルクル巻きが強め




Tip of the hair 毛先巻

Update history

2023.05.27 up 2023.05.27 up

Content ID:2004686

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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