General night brush for anime background (アニメ背景用汎用夜景ブラシ) アニメ背景用汎用夜景ブラシ

Content ID:1991461

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a brush created to draw the night view illustration of the city of the atmosphere like an animation background picture.
You can quickly draw a background image of the night View building city with a glance like the following.  
※ The sample image of this place uses the auto action of "glow strong" included in the material collection, and is done the final strengthening process, and color adjustment is done by the gradient layer. Please refer to the reference of the color adjustment because this sample image is included in the material collection, too.
Material: 5 Brushes for night view (brushes for medium and distant views, brushes for foreground, two night set brushes, night light lighting brushes), 1 auto action for glow effect, 1 sample image

The brush tip image used for the brush was created manually in digital paint, one at a time.

New Night Set brush : It is a brush to randomly scatter the building for the foreground and the building for the middle distance with a set at a time.

New Night view brushes and new night foreground brushes: A brush with only building brushes and foreground for middle and distant buildings, respectively. I divided it into a general-purpose easy to use.

New Night Set Oval tool : It is a brush made from the extra, but depending on the device, it might be easy to control the arrangement of the building.
New Night Light brush : It is a brush to add the light of the signboard and a detailed streetlights.

Glow (Auto Action): A auto action of the effect of a combination of several filters to inflate the image light. Select one image layer you want to use. It takes a little time to process.

  • CLIP STUDIO becomes a brush created in the PRO Version 1.13.1.
  • The first brush load process can take a significant amount of time because the dozen uses a relatively large brush image. Please be careful.
  • Once you have been able to load once, but I think it will work lightly, please note, purchase, use.
  • We have a brush setting that assumes a background picture of an animation and expects to draw approximately 1920x1080 size.
  • Previously, experimental AI-generated images were made available for free to be published and the original brushes ("Anti-AI Universal Night Brush") had been released due to a change in the rules of the asset store. Therefore, this is a new brush from scratch by hand. That is why the name "New Night View Brush" is named.
  • Because I made it by handmade customize for myself, I think that it became a brush more versatile than the previous one. It is not drawn in detail enough to be able to use it in a leaning picture, but I tried to make a lot of variations of the material so as not to stand out the repetition pattern as much as possible when I saw it in the whole. I created it steadily for about three months, so please try it if it is good.





グロー強(オートアクション): いくつかのフィルター処理を組み合わせて画像の光を強くふくらませる効果のオートアクションです。光らせたい画像レイヤーを一枚選択して使用します。すこし処理には時間がかかります。

  • CLIP STUDIO PRO Version 1.13.1で作成したブラシになります。
  • 比較的サイズの大きいブラシ画像を数十枚使用しているため、最初のブラシ読み込み処理に時間がかなりかかることがあります。ご注意ください。
  • 一度読み込みができたあとは軽快に動作すると思いますが、ご留意の上、ご購入、ご使用ください。
  • アニメの背景画作成を想定し、おおよそ1920x1080くらいのサイズの絵を描くことを想定してブラシ設定をしています。
  • 以前に実験的にAI生成画像を活用して作り無料公開していた自作ブラシ(「対AI汎用夜景ブラシ」)が、その後のアセットストアの規約変更によって公開ができなくなったことがありました。そのため、こちらは手作業で一から作り直した新作ブラシとなります。「新夜景ブラシ」という名称になっているのはそのためです。
  • 手作りで自分用にカスタマイズして作ったため、以前のものより汎用性の高いブラシになったと思います。寄りの絵で使えるほどは細かく描き込んでいませんが、全体で見た時になるべく繰り返しパターンが目立たないように素材のバリエーションを頑張って沢山作成してみました。3か月ほどかけて地道に作成しましたので、良かったらお試しください。

General night brush for anime background アニメ背景用汎用夜景ブラシ

Content ID:1991461

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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TVアニメの背景美術の仕事しています。クリスタの機能を研究する中で自分用に作成した素材を時々公開していけたらと思います。 公開アセットは予告なく有料化・価格変更することがありますのでご了承ください。 よろしくお願いします。