[South Island 3: Explore] 31 photos of photo material [UPDATE] (【南の島3:探検】写真素材集 31枚【アップデート】) 【南の島3:探検】写真素材集 31枚【アップデート】

Content ID:1981640

  • 57
  • 150 CLIPPY

Photo material collection of southern islands [3]
A photographic material of the island's hinterland, jungle and forest waterfalls, themed on exploration.

An adventurous heart, a southern island beach

Travel, drift, adventure, exploration, fantasy, etc.
Illustration and novel illustrations, TRPG background, manga, video, game material, etc., photo collection that seems usable when you want the reality and essence of the real landscape.

* 2023/02/08 Update ver2.0 information

In the material image of the previous version C3, there was a partial problem (reflection of Mark), we have been modified and replaced.
-We have added 7 new images (4 pieces of Jungle + 3 bonus).
-The creators have already downloaded the previous version is very trouble, thank you for your kindly update to the new version.

■ Ver2.0 Additional images (7 sheets total) List

Jungle Scenery:
Barringtonia Three pieces of Phantom, one Hikagehego

Extra (for a little blur):
Two landscapes from Takigami, one Suownoki

■ Sample

* The price is set to cheaper because the resolution is lower (1600 * 1200 or 1280 × 960) than the photograph material that I usually upload.


※2023/02/08 アップデート ver2.0情報


■ver2.0 追加画像(計7枚)一覧




※普段アップロードしている写真素材よりも、解像度が低め(1600*1200 or 1280×960)ですので、価格を安めに設定しています。

adventure adventure

Bonus おまけ

forest forest

Content ID:1981640

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

旅想ねもと's profile Go to profile

旅と想像のねもと。 自分が旅先で撮った記録写真・資料写真や、360度天球写真を素材公開しています。

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