A set of ribbon brushes for imitating the decorations on a Middle Minoan (1900–1600 BCE) terracotta pot from the Met Museum collection.
These are three brushes, and one variant, that are intended to imitate the decoration on a terracotta bridge-spouted jar from the Middle Minoan II–III period (1900–1600 BCE) in the holdings of the Met Museum (accession numbe 11.186.10). This particular jar was restored at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, sometime before 1911, so the paint is probably far brighter than it "should" be—but it's a stunning piece of pottery, and the patterns are very similar to surviving fragments, so I trust they restored it more or less accurately. It's surprisingly modern—I could see these patterns showing up at Crate and Barrel today.

Since I can't include the actual pot image, I've painted a picture of the pot so that you can see what I mean.
The brushes are seamless ribbon brushes. Pressure controls opacity, tilt has a slight effect on width. I don't have a good texture, but if you do, you could add one for even more pottery-like effect.

This might be made a paid material eventually.
Ribbon brushes