【 Snowfall Crystal Dualesnow Frakeblass and Tone set 】 (【降雪結晶デュアルスノーフレイクブラシとトーンセット】) 【降雪結晶デュアルスノーフレイクブラシとトーンセット】

Content ID:1973715

  • 311
  • 100 CLIPPY
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

"Kei N's Febarit" Snow particle brush & tone Set
/For illustration of winter! Snow crystal and snowball brush and background tone
【 Snowfall Crystal Dualesnow Frakeblass and Tone set 】

A 1200dpi brush made of fine snow crystal material
☆ Update was added to the new and seamless tone set

(Brushes are the same)
It is the image between the real snow brush and the production snow crystal.
It can also be used for snowfall and design.
I recommend the color or the gray with white on a dark background, but can also change the color.

It is usable for the manga manuscript of high resolution because it is 2bit used in a gray toning.

☆ Scatter/dual/continuous spraying, etc.
✓ It is displayed because I can use it for a different rendition when I cut it.
Eleven color tones created with four brushes are the same

Because I am creating it with a dark background color, the other of the groundwork background as it is
On screen/addition/dodge emission
The top layer makes a bright snow scene.

Added with update
☆ Seamless three of the new snow scene production tone
Whitish and black background color multiplied by blue color is six each two patterns







Snowflake Blassi スノーフレイクブラシ

Snowfall Snowflaketone 降雪スノーフレイクトーン

Snowflake Seamless スノーフレイクシームレス

Update history

Added with update ☆ Seamless three of the new snow scene production tone Whitish and black background color multiplied by blue color is six each two patterns updateで加えました

Old version

Content ID:1973715

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

慶n's profile Go to profile

漫画家(中垣慶)です。20年越程の漫画連載作は全て単行本化→電子書籍化されています。過去の連載作品はアナログ原画、休筆後デジタルを始め、現在は両刀で講師、イラストレーター等。ComicStudio~IllustStudio~CLIP STUDIO初期まで試用モニター(アナログ描き手からの感想や提案等)でしたが、本気で始めてから奥の深さと発展の凄さに慄いています。もうセルシスさんなしでは生きていけない!一方、アナログ画材原画描きも変わらず大好きです。

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