Thick Brush soft (魔王厚塗りブラシ ソフト) 魔王厚塗りブラシ ソフト

Content ID:1972103

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This brush is used to soften the thickness of the soft customize by the "Devil's Thick Brush" released previously.
A smooth gradient like brush painting can be done by drawing the brush.

Fixed color black when drawing in 2022/12/25 update vector layer.

2022/12/25更新 ベクターレイヤーで描く際に色が黒一色になる問題を解決。

The video of how to use this video is being published!

The brush that was previously published (The Devil's thick coating brush ) can be painted with a softer impression than.
It is a feature as the devil's thick coating brush
-Can also be used as a line-drawing brush
-Able to put color on a wide surface
Mixing of colors not too dragged for thick paint
brush size Changing pressure
Remains to be taken over

The custom has to be added as the bokeh is drawn in a big brush size .

The mixture of colors becomes more and more softened, and it becomes easy to make a gradient.

An example of painted from line drawings to fill with the devil's thick brush software


以前公開したブラシ(魔王厚塗りブラシ )よりも柔らかい印象の塗りができます。




Old version

Content ID:1972103

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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