Basic brushes (Brushes de base) Brushes de base

Content ID:1968295

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.11.0. ( Download the latest version here )

6 brushes for drawing 6 brushes for drawing

Fr: You have here 6 brushes: 

-Sketch (for preparatory drawing) 
-Line and light, I recommend it for thick lines or light additions (see second drawing)
-Soft shading
-Precise shading (Hard). I do not recommend it for large formats unless it is the desired effect. I use it for the eyes.
-Stain (see second drawing on some places of the skin)

*The colors of the second drawing are available in another of my packs 

En: You have here 6 brushes:

-Sketch: (for preparatory drawing) 
-Line et lumière (Line and light), I recommend it for thick lines or light additions (see second drawing)
-Soft shading
 -Precise shading (Hard). I do not recommend it for large formats unless it is the desired effect. I use it for the eyes
-Tâche (Stain) (see second drawing on some areas of skin)

*The colors of the second drawing are available in another of my packs 

Another example: 

Fr: Vous avez ici 6 pinceaux :

-Esquisse (pour le dessin préparatoire) 
-Line et lumière, je le conseille pour les lines épais ou les ajouts de lumière (voir deuxième dessin)
-Ombrage doux
-Ombrage précis (Dur). Je le déconseille pour les grands formats sauf si c'est l'effet recherché. Je l'utilise pour les yeux.
-Tâche (voir deuxième dessin sur certains endroits de la peau)

*Les couleurs du deuxième dessin sont disponibles dans un autre de mes packs 

En: You have here 6 brushes:

-Cheveux (Hair)
-Esquisse: (for preparatory drawing) 
-Line et lumière (Line and light), I recommend it for thick lines or light additions (see second drawing)
-Ombrage doux (Soft shading)
-Ombrage précis (Dur) (Precise shading (Hard)). I do not recommend it for large formats unless it is the desired effect. I use it for the eyes
-Tâche (Stain) (see second drawing on some areas of skin)

*The colors of the second drawing are available in another of my packs 

Another example: 

Brushes Brushes

Content ID:1968295

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

Andromaque's profile Go to profile

French artist. I draw architecture and Visual Novels (I don't like drawing backgrounds and I know I'm not alone. So I help as I can)