Comforter Dot Tone Set (上掛けDotトーンセット) 上掛けDotトーンセット

Content ID:1962506

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To fill the screen, the dot tone collection of the type that is put on the whole scene and object. 画面を埋めるため、コマや対象全体にかけるタイプのドットトーン集。

■ Use example ■
This tone is used to express the dimness or to fill the white screen.
↑ It is like this.
There are two types of settings And a Pic .


Settings are usually set on the soft,
You can change the texture of your choice in the tone setting of CLIP.
By the way, " dot Settings " and "Sakura (Maru)" from [Circle] and [square]
Weakly a feeling you'll finish. ↓

The Pic is image material. Because it is an image, it is possible to move.
If you create a tone setting of CLIP, it is not possible to move the tone eye,
Use it when you want to move the place of the AMI exactly as you wish.
This is only a 90 degree tone.
I didn't make the 45 ° tone because I thought that there was no need to move.
(If necessary, please change the angle of the image to 45 °)

Because it is not transmitted, please make the " combine mode" to "multiply" when using.


Maybe, if you already feel like there is a search,
If you don't mind.








setting setting

Pic Pic

Content ID:1962506

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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私の「いいね」から他の方が良い素材にめぐり会える可能性もあるかもなので鍵外しました…。 「いいね」してくださった方、CLIP恵んで下さった方、本当にありがとうございました!