A collection of materials for plants, tape and notes (植物とテープとノートの素材集) 植物とテープとノートの素材集

Content ID:1956470

  • 1,426
  • 80 GOLD
  • 120 CLIPPY

It is a collection of materials of plants and masking tape and notes and paper. 植物とマスキングテープとノート・紙の素材集です。

Set includes:

In addition to the default tapes, there are types that can change colors in the main/sub foreground color, and the type of main drawing color changes randomly (saturation and lightness are influenced to some extent main drawing color).
White and bright colors are recommended sub drawing color.

Adjust the brush tip color change parameters according to your preference.
The opacity is lowered to put out masking tape whiff. If you are curious, set the opacity to 100.

By default, the "Decorative Plants" and "Leaves" brushes are set to draw behind an image that already exists in the same layer.
If you want to bring the foreground, change the combine mode from background to normal.

Example of animation




デフォルトでは、「Decorative Plants 」と「Leaves」ブラシは同じレイヤーに既にある画像の後ろに描画するように設定してあります。


Brushes Brushes

Images Images

Update history

(2022/10/26) The price was updated and the [limited period-] part of the title was deleted. (2022/10/26)価格を更新し、タイトルの【期間限定~】部分を削除しました。

Content ID:1956470

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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素敵な素材にいつもお世話になっております。自分用に作成したものをシェアしていく予定です。いいね・CP・宣伝ありがとうございます!大変励みになります。 Thank you for the wonderful materials! They always help me a lot. I also share the materials which I made for myself. Really appreciate the LIKE and Clippy!:) 日本語/中文/Easy English OK

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