Pantyliner Cloud Brush (ふわ雲ブラシ) ふわ雲ブラシ

Content ID:1942888

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

It is a set of four cloud brushes. 4つの雲ブラシのセットです。

Pantyliner Cloud _01 A brush that can draw clouds with somewhat blur.

Cloud Brush with Pantyliner cloud _02 somewhat lumpy.

Pantyliner Cloud _03 brush shape is somewhat like a bur bur.

Pantyliner Cloud _04

A change in the condition of the Pantyliner cloud _04 force

The atmosphere of each brush is ↓.

There is pressure sensitivity if it corresponds.
It is a brush that the atmosphere changes with the condition and the faint of drawing or power lightly.

I can use some brushes, and it is good to make a cloud with a unity feeling by one.

This time, I'm drawing a cloud on a layer fill the background.
The clouds drew on the screen layer. On top of that, the clipping mask, the shadow is the multiplication layer, and the brightest point on the screen layer.
ふわ雲_01 ややぼかしのある雲が描けるブラシ。

ふわ雲_02 やや塊感のある雲ブラシ。

ふわ雲_03 ブラシの形状がややイガイガした感じのブラシ。


ふわ雲_04 力の入れ具合を変えたもの

それぞれのブラシの雰囲気です ↓。




Brush ブラシ

Content ID:1942888

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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