Official Brush Printing (公式筆刷) 公式筆刷

Content ID:1928206

  • 260

Brushes that facilitate your making formula backgrounds! 方便你製作公式背景的筆刷!

Brushes that facilitate your making formula backgrounds! 9 formulas included! Handwriting style!

Monochrome rendering

Color change is also possible



Brushes 筆刷

Update history

2022-06-12 ─Updated the color change function 2022-06-18 ─Corrected the color change function, now can be more correct color change, the color is also more intense. ─Updated to two brushes "Formula Brush - Original Cut Frame (Original)" and "Formula Brush - Etc. 【Supplement】 I forgot to press to update the old brush when updating the brush, so both versions exist at the same time, and at present, this version of the brush is the latest version, and the experience will be relatively good. However, the two models are actually similar, you can choose one to buy. In the future, we will think about improving this matter. 2022-06-12



Content ID:1928206

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago