Indoor 6-Western (洋館室内6) 洋館室内6

Content ID:1926859

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※ If you use a CSP, we recommend a special form. Because I made it for this ComicStudio, the color change is not possible, and the scale does not match.

Unzip the DL file, in the " room" in further extracting the "indoor 6_ bedroom .LWS" read the room.
Very heavy (slightly lighter than 4). If the file cannot be opened/rendered, try restarting ComicStudio or using it in a new file.
All doors and drawers of the room and furniture can be moved. The window and the door of the room are all remodeling.
Because the wall decoration is divided into several parts, it can be used as another room by showing/hiding, and changing the position of the wall and the ceiling.
All furniture can be used by itself. You can also replace furniture with one to five Western-European rooms.
Please use additional configuration files for furniture placement changes and furniture use alone. (ID: 1643895)

* The update is not changed in the file by the mistake of the update. I'm sorry. Only additional files have been modified.



Old version

Content ID:1926859

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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