Fangtooth Ribbon Brushes

Content ID:1922995

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A set of toothy ribbon brushes for folk that like things a bit chompy

Part of a series of horror themed brushes I'm working on to get used to the publishing system.

Comes as a set of three ribbon brushes with some pointy teeth, including outline-only, filled white and a blood variant. Keep pressure setting on for the depth illusion or turn it off for a more uniform sized strip of chompers.

Handy for monsters, toothy tentacles and fever-dream background elements.

While it can handle the broader turns and wide circles well it can crunch on itself here and there when the angle you turn is too sharp, in this case I suggest laying down the brush stroke and warping it afterwards to your desired curve.

This brush can also be layered upon itself for a multi-row shark tooth style effect. 

This is my first published brush so please excuse any hiccups <3
Enjoy! <3

Tooth brush

Content ID:1922995

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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All brushes, all free, all the the time <3 If you use them I'd love it if you tagged me on insta so I can see all the cool stuff you make with them :')