A combination free veranda (組み合わせ自由なベランダ) 組み合わせ自由なベランダ

Content ID:1922483

  • 724
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It's a porch in an apartment or apartment アパートやマンションのベランダです

You can create a veranda freely in combination because you have a finely divided parts.
You can also open and close the door of the veranda because it is divided into parts.
(Do not set it to pose parts, so please slide it yourself.)

Because I have some layout, please switch it for convenience.
In addition to the following layout, it is possible to create various patterns such as a corner room and the middle room to switch the display of the fence separately and alone.

[Object Configuration]

How to switch
Please press the red circle of the image below and switch.

[All display: initial State]
I think that it is not basic to use it in this state because there are both fences too frequently.
Please switch the parts individually and combine them.

[Hidden frequently]

[Both fences hidden]

[Example of Use]
Use to Glue

Use away
※ I have corrected some lines of the wall.










Material マテリアル

  • default material 初期マテリアル

disposition 配置

  • Full representation 全表示
  • Frequently hidden しきり非表示
  • Hide both Rails 両柵非表示

Update history

2022/5/26. Add an image to the layout preset (no change to the 3D data's shape itself) 2022/5/26 レイアウトのプリセットに画像を追加(3Dデータの形状そのものに変更なし)

Old version

Content ID:1922483

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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作画コスト削減のための3D素材を公開しています。 普段は漫画アシスタント(3D制作・背景作画)を行っています。 使用しやすいデータ作成を心掛けています。よろしくお願いいたします。 ASSETSで公開している素材は一部BOOTHでも取り扱っています。 https://ramentabetaiyo.booth.pm/