Watercolor Star Brushes (水彩星ブラシ) 水彩星ブラシ

Content ID:1921679

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  • 30 CLIPPY

I scanned the star in the analogue watercolor and made it a star brush. アナログ水彩で描いた星をスキャンして、星ブラシにしました。

The color is fixed in the color of the top brush and does not reflect the drawing color.

Put tonal correction layer gradient map on the layer that drew the star

By clipping layer below, you can easily change it to your favorite color.

When I draw a vector line, I make it easy to draw a straight line by the rear correction.

If you remove the check, you can draw a curve.

Please try to sprinkle a good feeling and fiddling with spray deviation.







Watercolor Star Brushes 水彩星ブラシ

Update history

5/24 for free. 5/24無料から有償にしました。

Content ID:1921679

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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