Classical Study (8 pieces of furniture + 15 species) (クラシカル書斎(家具8種+小物15種付)) クラシカル書斎(家具8種+小物15種付)

Content ID:1919845

  • 366
  • 1,000 GOLD
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is full scale 3D study material of the classic atmosphere that packed small accessories such as a desk, chair, bookshelf, furniture such as a globe, an hourglass, a lamp, a pen, a cup. The hallway connecting to the study is also set. 机、椅子、本棚、ソファ等の家具や地球儀、砂時計、ランプ、ペン、カップ等細々とした小物を詰め合わせたクラシックな雰囲気の実寸大3D書斎素材です。書斎へと繋がる廊下もセットになっています。

↑ Loading position.

↑ LT Conversion Example.

It is an angle from the hallway side.

It is an angle from the outside the window.

↑ Talking with the owner of the study and two visitors, is an example of a slight change of placement in the image. The scale of the globe is also increasing.

↑ Angle is registered three species.

↑ There are three kinds of materials: color, white plain, black and white. Black and white floor and the pattern of the book, but color information please help when it becomes obstructive.

↑ Configuration list. The four walls are separate object, so you can hide them according to the angle you want.
☆ Marked object has a movable setting.

In addition, the wall 03 and the Corridor + walls are hidden when loading, so please switch if necessary.

↑ Enclosed Furniture set. When you change the arrangement of the study, please help to create a room in combination if you have material on hand. The drawer of the desk has a moving setting.

↑ It is a small set enclosed. When you want to increase the amount of information on the painting easily, by all means.

↑ Adjust the color of the rasterize (multiply the light blue) and add the beam with the air brush with the line obtained by the LT conversion. I think that I can create a background of the base of the Webtoon and the color illustration background in a short time.

↑ It is an example of a large color change in gradient map. I hope you can arrange various.

The number of polygons to read in the study is 71,523. I hope you will be able to add or hide the material while viewing the processing status.















Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1919845

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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