Ink Set Vol. 4 (ぬるインクset vol.4) ぬるインクset vol.4

Content ID:1913587

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The set material of the brush for the color painting.
This time, it becomes the brush that the color of the texture of the brush is gone out, and the depth of the pressure adapt adjust the tint and the ease.
It is recommended for the person who mixes and adapt while picking up a color finely by the eyedropper function ◎

◇ Ink Mohu
It is a brush that remains in the part starting and ending the texture of the brush hair.
The author is often used to the part such as the hair and the fur ◎
If you draw more pressure, you'll get a darker color.

◇ Ink PETA
This is a brush that adds a sense of starting and ending by pressure to the brush of the round brush style.
Almighty is a brush that can be used, the texture of the Mohu brush does not want to adapt a little texture, it has been useful to paint the hair of the time.

◇ Ink PETA ■
PETA's flat brush wind version.
The brush of the flat brush wind has a [ink flat] already, but it becomes the one that the ease of riding and the familiarity of color when the pressure is weak is improved.

◇ Ink Peta pen to paint
It is a bonus line drawing pen.
It is softly drawn taste, and no hoarse feeling and mixed color.
Based on the ink pen, we adjusted the strength of the lines.
I draw the line drawing of the sample illustration with this one.

Sample illustrations are drawn using only the brush material included in this material collection.
The composition of the part with the brush is as follows ↓


◇ ぬるインク mohu

◇ ぬるインク peta

◇ ぬるインク peta■
平筆風の塗りブラシは【ぬるインク flat】がすでにありますが、筆圧が弱いときの色の乗り・なじみやすさを改良したものとなっております。

◇ ぬるインク petaペン


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1913587

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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