Ruffle Brush Set (フリルブラシセット) フリルブラシセット

Content ID:1907840

  • 3,902

It is a set of frills brushes that can be used for decoration such as sleeves, hem, and the collar, clothes.

○ All 16 Types (32 types including differential brushes)
○ 600DPI can be created/color changed

[Edge] Brush, we have become what the end of the ruffle fabric begins to draw.
Please note that this is not a complete loop type brush.
(※ Once, unless you draw a ruffle very long in a stroke, it is adjusted so that there is no unnatural pause)

■ Example samples are completed by fine-correcting and drawing-up of parts with brushes applied to the finishing. (Processing of the edge of ruffles, wrinkles, etc.)

○ 全16種類(差分ブラシ含めて32種類)
○ 600dpiで作成/色変更可能


■ 使用例サンプルは、仕上げにブラシを使用した部分の微修正・描き足しをして完成させています。(フリルのフチの処理、しわ等)

Ruffle Brush (Loop) フリルブラシ(ループ)

Ruffle brush (with edge) フリルブラシ(フチ有り)

Content ID:1907840

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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