Preparation of provisional data for the key trafficking (アクキー入稿仮データ作成) アクキー入稿仮データ作成
Content ID:1900932
You can use it to assist in creating the data of the trafficking of the keys (creating a white holding & cut path image).
※ The regulations of the draft data per trader because it is divided, has become tentative.
* 2 350dpi is assumed to be performed.
※1 業者ごとに入稿データの規定はバラバラですので、仮となっています。
※2 350dpiでの実行を想定しています。
The data is created when it is executed for the image which integrates it in the state like ↓!

[Layer after execution]

More than 28px is recommended when you 350dpi the selection!

The silhouette of the image leaves extra lines inside, so it must be erased.



