Shape of noodle soup (めんつゆの図形) めんつゆの図形

Content ID:1894635

  • 17

It is a set of a circle of diameter 475px and a triangle ~ Ten square that was created to fit in it, a five-pointed star ~ Ten-pointed star.
Each shape has a line-drawing (vector), black-and-white (raster), and a circle can be used as a guide to easily overlay or arrange different shapes cleanly.

1 Overview

It is a set of a circle of diameter 475px and a triangle ~ Ten square that was created to fit in it, a five-pointed star ~ Ten-pointed star.
Each shape has a line-drawing (vector), black-and-white (raster), and a circle can be used as a guide to easily overlay or arrange different shapes cleanly.

Paste by Ponpon drag and drop from the material, you can easily draw intuitively.

The circle and the shape of the guide are created at the same magnification, so you can easily fit the size even if you zoom in or out.

Lines are created in brush size 3.0, anti-aliasing, and vector layer.

We created it as eye as possible, but the accuracy is low because we are creating and adjusting it by hand. (For example, if you copy and rotate the same shape, the vertices are slightly removed. )
So, please use only in applications that can be acceptable with such precision.

2 Use it to make patterns >

(1) Place the circle used as a guide.

Drag and drop the circle from the material.
Basically any circle can be used as a guide, but with a "center" view.

Because it becomes difficult to see it that it is the same color used for a background color and a shape, please use it properly if necessary.

If the circle of the guide is enlarged, and it shrinks, it is easy to make it to a good figure with the magnification easily memorized. (E.g. 50%, 200%, etc.)

If it is a circle other than the vector, the magnification rate is maintained if it does not rasterize, and it is possible to confirm it later.

Even if forgotten by any chance, expanded to fit the circle suitably, you can do something just by shrinking, drag and drop another circle, if you try to match the size, so you can check the magnification even later, there is no need to worry too much.

(2) Position the shape.

Drag and drop shapes from the material to enlarge and shrink the shape at the same magnification as the destination circle.

Aligns the vertices of the shape together with the vertices of the circle (in this case, the intersection of the circumference and centerline), and adjusts the vertices of the shape to fit together on the circumference.

After deployment, change or adjust the shape's angle as needed.

(3) Repeat (1) and (2) if necessary.

(4) Change the shape color by layer color, clipping layers, tonal correction, and so on.

(5) Remove or hide the circle in the guide to complete.

3 How to arrange shapes 1 >

(1) Draw a line where you want to tile the shapes.

(2) Align the center of the circle to the line.

(3) Arrange the shapes according to the circle.

(4) Remove or hide the guide line and circle to complete.

4 How to arrange Shapes 2 >

(1) If you want to place a shape between a line and a line such as a picture frame or ribbon,
The circle is arranged with the circumference to the line.

(2) Arrange the shapes according to the circle.

(3) Remove or hide the circle in the guide to complete.

4 About the yen (Detailed view)

(1) The Red line angle is 22.5 degrees in increments.
Inner is 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent.

(2) The angle of the blue line is 30 degrees in increments.
Inner is 33 percent, 67 percent.

That's it.
Thank you for reading.


































1 Yen 1.円

2. triangle 2.三角形

3. quadrangle 3.四角形

4. Pentagon, pentagram 4.五角形、五芒星

5. Hexagonal, hexagonal star 5.六角形、六芒星

6. Heptagonal, seven-pointed star 6.七角形、七芒星

7. Octagonal, octagonal star 7.八角形、八芒星

8. Nine-shaped, nine-pointed star 8.九角形、九芒星

9. Decagonal, decameronal 9.十角形、十芒星

Update history

2022/01/25 create new, published 2022/01/25 新規作成、公開

Content ID:1894635

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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