Billboard Brushes for Cartoons (漫画用掲示物ブラシ) 漫画用掲示物ブラシ

Content ID:1879702

  • 1,089
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a bulletin brush for the cartoon made for oneself. In addition, there is a bulletin board tool. The background is buried and it is convenient because the groundwork sticks, and it scatters on the solid. The use example is made in B5 size, 600dpi.
A hike will be raised in about a week or a month.

Text in the image in 〇画

Sticky brushes with posts and photos.
And frame tools and frame brushes.
※ This scene is the one of the finished state.

Even if it is scattered to the appropriate amount, it becomes comparatively it.
All tools are covered with base.

The way to use it is to convert to a monochrome layer after drawing, make changes to the color threshold, and adjust the perspective.
The board frame Brush and the bulletin board Frame tool are included as an extra.
The square tool was not able to fix the corner by all the way, and it is necessary to retouch it.

Brush details here.

〇画像内文章 Text in the image





A bulletin 掲示物

Bulletin board 掲示板

Content ID:1879702

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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