Rain Snow Brush Set (雨雪ブラシセット) 雨雪ブラシセット

Content ID:1878867

  • 15,638

It is a set of brushes that the production of rain and snow can be added easily to the work.
■ Color and monochrome support
If you want to adjust the ■ Rain or snow angle, change the value of the tool property [direction of particle].

Rain Brush
All seven types
It is a brush material with a slightly hoarse feeling in the whole.
I think that it is easy to use when I have you draw it from the top to the bottom pay
[Raindrops Spring] is only a ribbon type of brush.
Draw the raindrops along the one you wish to bounce.

○ Snow Brush
All four types
[Blizzard] only brushes, [direction of particle] parameters are set individually by default.
Please use it to adjust to the angle of your choice ◎

■ カラー・モノクロ対応
■ 雨や雪の降り注ぐ角度を調整したい場合には、ツールプロパティにある【粒子の向き】の値を変更してください。

◯ 雨ブラシ

◯ 雪ブラシ

Rain Brush 雨ブラシ

Snow Brush 雪ブラシ

Content ID:1878867

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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