Chainmail Texture Chainmail Texture (鎖帷子 テクスチャ Chainmail texture) 鎖帷子 テクスチャ Chainmail texture

Content ID:1874784

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

This is a byproduct of the case when I applied for an illustration contest. とあるイラストコンテストに応募した際の副産物です。

Select the place you want to paste.

The texture image is made on a large.

And rotate.

Cripping Rayer to express the shadow and highlight, it is better to prepare a chainmail-only thing. By doing so you can see the chainmail floating out.

From the menu, click layers → rasterize the texture you placed.

Uncheck the above and break the link with mask layer. Then free transform to shape.
(Note: The above figure is wrong and dark layer order is chainmail is not visible)

In the bundled auto action,

You can drop a shadow.
Below is a bonus.

Select both the included _4coluor and _overley and place them on the canvas.

Fill a _4coluor in a different color.
This time the gold.

Overlay the _overley drawing mode and then clip and consolidate it in the bottom layer.

Because the original is a chainmail, I adjust brightness and contrast.

The completed one is registered again as a material. Check the tiling field.

The same goes for the

With this material, I would be happy if your character has reduced the damage.



影やハイライトを表現する為のクリッピンッグレイヤーは、鎖帷子専用のものを用意すると良いでしょう。 そうすることによって鎖帷子が浮き出て見えます。


上記のチェックを外し、マスクレイヤーとのリンクを解除。 その後自由変形で形を整える。







できあがったものを改めて素材として登録します。 その際はタイリングの欄にチェックをいれておきます。



Content 内容物

Update history

CLIP STUDIO PAINT DEBUT, I did not know that auto action can not be used CLIP STUDIO PAINT I have described as if you are corresponding to DEBUT. I'm sorry. The contents of the auto action ● Copy selected layers Paste it Go to the back of the layer charges Change the combine mode of the layers to the back to multiply -Change the opacity to 60% -Move layer, 2px in the downward direction The same CLIP STUDIO PAINT DEBUT should get the same results as the guidance. We fuss. CLIP STUDIO PAINT DEBUTでオートアクションが使えないことを知らずCLIP STUDIO PAINT DEBUTに対応しているかのように記載してしまいました。 すみませんでした。
CLIP STUDIO PAINT DEBUTでも案内と同じ結果が得られるはずです。

Content ID:1874784

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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