SB Seamless Texture Set (sbシームレステクスチャセット) sbシームレステクスチャセット

Content ID:1874626

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2000px * 2000px is a seamless texture set. Because I made it on a large, I should be able to some extent print. Cool, cute, etc. 2000px*2000pxのシームレスなテクスチャセットです。大きめに作ったので印刷もある程度いけるはず。カッコイイ系、カワイイ系等いろいろ入ってます。

Six different colors and 20 kinds of extras now.

I made it by using the brush of the past, and processing and hand-drawing a photograph taken in old times.
It is good even if I put it on the motif and stick it in the background.
Maybe it will be the atmosphere of the OSA while increasing the amount of information easily.

Thumbnail large version. Please refer to the texture.

The full in October is put at the price of the cheaper.




Texture テクスチャ

Bonus おまけ

Content ID:1874626

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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