Automatic color palette single color LB

Content ID:1870399

  • Free

A simple and light folder stack that creates automatically a color palette.

Hi, everybody

Here's another Clip Studio Paint Asset I've created, the Automatic color palette.

Have you ever spend a lot of time creating color palettes? Trying to adjust all your colors so they'are all harmonious and work well together?

And you don't want to spend time finding a website that creates a color chart for you, with colors that you don't recognize? Or worse you can't access internet?

Don't worry with this simple material, will give you an automatic color palette. Here's some example

  You will have automatically the complementary of your color, a value based on a linear scale or Lambert scale 

Adding to all of this you can see how your color will react in different light environments.

Everything is easily changeable thanks to the Fill layers.

To change the base color just go to the Base color fill layer double click on it and choose your color. To change the light color you just need to go to the  Light color fill layer and do the same.

But ehi... what if you want an automatic color scheme? Like similar colors, triadic,quadratic? Something like this?

Or like this?

With the possibility to change with just a click light, base color and color scheme. Does it interest you?

Don't worry I've got you covered. I sell it on my artstation for 2$ or 1,79€.

Just copy and paste the link:

Content ID:1870399

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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